Gladiolus rogersii – Bloupypie; Riversdale Bluebell – 5 Seed Pack


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Gladiolus is the largest genus in the Iridaceae family with around 255 species. They are perennial bulbous flowering plants, sometimes called Sword lilies, but usually by its generic name, Gladiolus. It has been studied by taxonomists and now includes the genera Acidanthera, Homoglossum, Anomalesia and Oenostachys. The geographic range includes Africa, Madagascar, Europe, and the Middle East. They are treasured the world over for their beautiful, showy flowers which grow on tall spikes. These plants are often planted in cut flower gardens or in the back along the border, as they grow 60cm to 1.8 m tall. They make excellent cut flowers and are easily grown in raised garden beds and rockeries. Most Gladioli do equally well in pots. Gladioli are the flowers associated with a fortieth wedding anniversary.

Gladiolus rogersii is a South African endemic species from the Western Cape Province. It was previously known as Gladiolus bolusii var. burchellii, Gladiolus burchellii, Gladiolus rogersii var. graminifolius and Gladiolus rogersii var. vlokii. Commonly known as Bloupypie in Afrikaans and Riversdale Bluebell in English it grows from 30cm to 65cm tall. During spring it bears beautiful blue/mauve/purple flowers with darker streaks or dots on the lower perianth tubes.

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