Rhigozum obovatum – Yellow Pomegranate; Geelberggranaat – 5 Seed Pack


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Rhigozum is derived from the Greek rhigios meaning stiff and ozos, a branch, a reference to the plant’s rigid branches. This is a fairly large family that is mostly concentrated in tropical America. Plants in this family often bear beautiful flowers, and include the jacaranda tree which is an alien invader that comes from Brazil, the showy African flame tree, Spathodea campanulata which comes from tropical Africa and the shrub, Cape honeysuckle, Tecoma (= Tecomaria) capensis, which is indigenous to this country.

Rhigozum obovatum commonly known as Yellow Pomegranate in English and Geelberggranaat in Afrikaans is an ideal shrub or small tree to bring life to gardens in dry areas where water is in short supply and garden maintenance is low. Although the yellow pomegranate looks drab during a large part of the year, it turns into a spectacular showy sight after the first rains in spring or early summer when it is covered in a mass of bright yellow flowers. When rain is sporadic it may have several flushes of bloom. This is a much-branched, spiny shrub or small tree 1.0-4.5 m high. The leaves are opposite or in a cluster, trifoliolate (compound leaf with three leaflets) or rarely simple, and they are borne on short, spine-tipped side shoots.

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