Albuca juncifolia – 5 Seed Pack
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Albuca is a genus of about 60 to 70 species belonging to the Hyacinthaceae family. The most characteristic feature of the genus is the shape of the flower. The outer 3 tepals spread out like any normal flower, but the inner 3 stay more or less closed. The general appearance is therefore somewhat like a snowdrop Galanthus. The flowers do come in a limited colour range, white and yellow through to green, but are usually embellished with a green stripe down the middle of each outer tepal. Some species also have the tips of the inner, closed tepals coloured differently, either with white or bright yellow. Flowers are either presented in a nodding or drooping formation, or erect on firm pedicels (flower stalks). The tropical African species, on the other hand, have flowers on such short pedicels that the only position they can hold is sideways. Although there is not a great diversity in the shape of the flowers, there is however a fascinating range of leaf form. Some species do admittedly have rather uninteresting foliage; others have such unusual leaves that they could be grown as a foliage plant in their own right. Leaves can be boat-shaped, coiled into corkscrew shapes, or narrow and wavy like a slithering snake.
Albuca juncifolia is a South African endemic species found in the Western Cape Province from Ceres to the Cape Peninsula and eastwards to Mossel Bay. It is most commonly found growing among Fynbos on sandy and calcareous flats, and stony slopes. It grows up to 30cm tall with slender stiff leaves. During spring it bears nodding yellow flowers with green stripes.