Rhaphiolepis x delacourii – Indian Hawthorn – 5 Seed Pack


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Rhaphiolepis x delacourii, a cross between Rhaphiolepis umbellata and Rhaphiolepis indica is an evergreen shrub with medium sized, tough, leathery leaves that are dark green, sometimes changing to purple-black in cold winter conditions. Its pink flowers are borne in early spring and it should be clipped and pruned into shape immediately after the spring flowering. It is best to cease cutting in February to allow the setting of flower buds for the forthcoming spring season. Does equally well in pots or open ground planting. It is said to grow well in a diverse range of climates, from the seashore to the extremely cold inland regions. It can be grown as a border plant or a low hedge. Prune after flowering to maintain its shape. It prefers rich well drained soils.

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